Polaroid Prints

Get nostalgic with our retro style polaroid photo prints.
These are 1970's inspired retro prints, are the perfect way to
stylishly show off your favourite photos.

Deck your walls or scrap book with your best photos

It couldn’t be easier to print your photos in a polaroid style and get the retro look without an instant camera.

Print Details

You must recognise cult polaroid cameras which have got back in good graces recently. Nevertheless, to take a vintage photo you don't need any special equipment. Print your polaroid photos with a white wide frame prepared for a text. Make your prints unique!

  • Size of the print including a white frame 3.5" x 4.25"
  • Size of the printed photo is 3" x 3"
  • Printed on professional premium glossy paper
  • Pack of 20 pictures

Polaroid Photos
Retro style like prints.

Hang, pin and stick these retro-style prints to your wall, pinboard or scrapbook for a timeless vintage feel, or give them to family and friends for the perfect gift with a difference.

Fast & Easy Ordering

Print your retro instant-style photo prints online from your Instagram, Facebook, phone, or computer. Just select photos, customize frame colors & text and order.


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What are polaroid photos?

Polaroids are photos taken on a Polaroid camera that instantly produce a Polaroid photo with the well-known frame around it. Polaroid film is available with white borders, or with different colors or fun patterns.
The first Polaroid camera was released in 1948 and was called the Polaroid 95. The term Polaroid refers to the company, the cameras, and the photos. The Fujifilm Instax camera, first released in 1998, prints similar photos so they are often called polaroids as well.
In order to get original polaroid photos, you'll need a Polaroid camera or Instax camera. These cameras with the added cost of photo paper can get pretty expensive. However, you can print polaroid-style photos – you can print them online using any photos from your phone or computer.

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